The European Parliament is the only multinational parliamentary assembly in the world that is elected by universal suffrage and the next election to decide who will govern Europe will take place in the UK on Thursday 4
June 2009.
All in all, 27 member states will take part in these elections and some 500 million EU citizens will choose 736 Members of the European Parliament (MEPs).
The UK is divided into twelve regions for the European elections.This election will also include some unitary and county elections in different parts of the UK meaning that everyone has at least one vote on election day.
The first task we face is to encourage every member of our union, as well as our friends
and families, to register to vote and to take part. This is the only way we can stop the growth in electoral support for the far right.
The British National Party (BNP) and other far right parties already have an unprecedented number of elected representatives across the UK. Now their sights are set on winning a seat in Europe. The BNP want to push forward their own politics of hate and they pose a real threat to
all of us.
Our movement should always be proud to have taken part in defeating the fascists in the
past and we are still committed and able to defeat them again now.
But to be successful – people have to vote against the BNP and we all have to play our part in organising the campaign to mobilise the majority who agree that fascism is wrong and should have no place in our society.
Register to vote so we can defeat the BNP at the ballot box.
The voter registration deadline is 19 May.
If you need to register or want to apply for a postal vote visit: