Members at the AGM will recall that Motion A13 was debated and passed on proviso that it was re-worded. The following is the revised version:
A13 Motion to MoD Group Conference
Defence Training Provision
Since the machinery of Government change that moved WPA into MoD, without consultation, the Agency, in its many guises, has managed to maintain a Satellite Training Centre at Norcross. Conference applauds this as it believes that having training close to hand for all staff in the MoD is part of the Department’s equality duty.
Conference believes that staff who have caring responsibilities, be it for children or elder care, should not be forced to travel for training. Further, it might be that travel for training could constitute a breach of contract for any staff who are deemed non-mobile.
It is with grave concern, therefore that Conference notes the fact that the Defence Academy are reviewing the Defence Training Estate and that SPVA management have warned Norcross based staff that the satellite training facilities might be removed in this review. Conference are concerned that staff are being informed, at Norcross, that they may have to make round trips of either 391 miles (Glasgow) or 408 miles (Shrivenham) for compulsory training. The irony that this includes Equality Training is not lost on Conference. Conference fears that if it is threatened for members at Norcross then it will be happening in other parts of the MoD
Conference instructs the incoming GEC to:
1. ensure that the Defence Training Estate Review includes equality and Diversity Impact Assessments
2. ensure that a Satellite Training Centre is maintained at Norcross
3. ensure that provisions are made for all MoD staff that, for any compulsory training/management instigated training, the trainee has to travel no more than 1 hour, by public transport, from their base office
4. work with branches to create model grievances for members who, if forced to travel more one hour, feel that compulsory training is negatively impacting their work/life balance and publicise such grievances.