Block 6 Conference Room 6201A Norcross
TUESDAY 9th of FEBRUARY 2010 at 10:00 AM
Facility time of 1 ½ hours has been allowed for this meeting
Dougie Brownlie from MoD Group PCS will be speaking to the meeting to give members an update on the latest position of the union’s campaign against the government’s proposed changes to the CSCS.
PCS response to Gus O'Donnell dated 3rd February can be seen here.
The proposals threaten to tear up members’ accrued contractual rights and drastically cut compensation payments in the event of redundancy, whether compulsory or voluntary. They would make job cuts cheaper at a time when we know that all the main political parties are planning huge public spending cuts. All members would be at greater risk of redundancy.
Meetings have taken place with government Ministers to make clear our objections and seek new proposals. We have worked hard in an attempt to secure an acceptable settlement. But, so far, the employer has refused to come to an agreement with us.
These proposals are of even greater significance due to the imminent SPVA Future Contract and the potential for significant parts of the War Pension Scheme to be out sourced.
Hope to see you there, Ian Melvin, VA(NB)Secretary
PCS are holding members meetings across many of the MoD estates. If you cannot make it to the Norcross meeting look out for one held near to you. I am sure you will be welcome.