"CUT-PRICE shares in state-owned banks will be offered to the public under a “people’s bonus” plan outlined by Tory Shadow Chancellor George Osborne.
Mr Osborne said the measure would be a reward for the £850billion of money used to bail out crisis-hit financial institutions. Young people, those on low incomes and parents saving for their children would be offered extra discounts, he said. " Reports The Daily Express .
So, let us get this straight. The prospective Chancellor of the Exchequer, the 'Boy' George Osborne, thinks that it would be a good idea to sell to 'US' shares in banks that 'WE' already effectively own having paid for this with 'OUR' future earnings to the value of some £45,000+ each? And some say the Tories are out of touch! On the contrary, I think this thinking demostrates conclusively that these people are very much IN touch with bankers, hedge fund managers and snake oil salesmen the world over.