Monday, 23 May 2011

Talks reveal scale of pension robbery

Talks with Ministers have revealed the shocking scale of the pension cuts palnned by the ConDem government for the public sector. Cuts have been proposed that could save the government tens of billions, and mean the overall value of public sector pensions is cut by a third. The proposed changes include:

- A doubling or tripling of contributions - to raise £2.8bn to help pay the defecit caused by the bankers.
- Raising the pension age from 60 to 65 and then to 68.
- Forced ending of all current final salary schemes and transfer for future services onto 'career average' pension scheme
- Government modelling, that shows that future pensions will be designed to deliver between 20-50% less than current civil service final salary schemes.

We face the worst ever attack on public sector terms and conditions. The talks have revealed there is currently little room for negotiation, as ministers are committed to implementing the Hutton report in full.

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