The utter collapse of the LibDem vote in Barnsley might be a significant sign of public anger at the ConDem's wayward governance.
Mervyn King, the governor of the Bank of England, says he is 'surprised that the degree of public anger has not been greater than it has'
So are we...
We are suprised that Lansley hasn't been mugged for even suggesting some of the changes he plans to implement in the NHS.
We were surprised that Clegg wasn't lynched for his support of university fee increases.
Suprised Hunt hasn't been kicked from pillar to post for approving Murdoch's takeover of BSkyB.
..and yes, surprised that the British public fell for the ConDem lie that Labour were at fault for the bank-led financial crisis.
So, the bankers have made their bonuses, Rupert is firmly in control of all the levers of power, the NHS is openly being privatised and the university sector is shortly to follow. Merv has a right to be surprised. We are apoplectic !!!