...the Boy George Osborne eulogised over the Irish recovery plan of deep immediate spending cuts and fiscal tightness.
Indeed, so taken was he by the big boy attitude of the Irish towards the defecit, he decided that if he ever grew up and got to select the team in the playground, he would select his team to play the Irish way.
So it came to pass that the LibDems were chosen to play between the jumpers and the Boy George deployed the Irish system upon the British economy just a few short months ago.
However, the signs do not look good. As Boris Johnson puts it in todays Telegraph, " The Irish... their credit rating has just been downgraded by Fitch to BBB plus — the same as Libya. They simply may not be able to find enough takers on the bond markets to finance their debts. What then? Who will bail them out?"
The bigger question is, who will bail us out? We are playing the same game with the same, wrong tactics.