Monday, 6 December 2010

Norcross Workplace Meeting Tuesday 7th December

There will be a Workplace meeting tomorrow in room 6201A at 10:30 for an update on the Civil Service Compensation Scheme and the Veterans Agency Long Service Award.

Mike Jones PCS full-time officer will be speaking.

1 1/2 hours time has been allowed for the meeting.

Hope to see you there.


· Terms may be better than the current scheme for those with short service, including those in NUVOS, but these members will be at greater risk of redundancy as they are the easiest to let go.
· For compulsory redundancies 1 month’s salary for every year of service up to a maximum of 12 month’s salary. Staff over 60 will be capped at a maximum of 6 month pay.
· For voluntary severance, 1 month’s salary for every year of service up to a maximum of 21 month’s salary.
· A lower paid threshold of 90% of UK average pay or £23,000, whichever is greater. All those earning less than this would be deemed to be earning the threshold figure for the calculation of redundancy pay.
· Higher paid threshold of six times UK average pay, currently £149, 820. this means very highly paid senior civil servants will have their redundancy pay based on this salary rather than what they actually earn.
· No protection for accrued rights, except for limited and short term “protection” for those with pre ’87 reserved rights. All other entitlements to existing terms, including enhanced pensions for the over 50’s, are swept away.
· Period of notice for those in a compulsory redundancy situation intended to reduce from 6 to 3 months. For some staff over 60 notice period is currently 9 or even 12 months. This too will be reduced to 3 months on compulsory redundancy.
· 3 month notice period, which does not currently exist, for voluntary redundancy.
· The time allowed for efforts at avoiding redundancy under the agreed Protocol intended to reduce to no more than 6 months including notice periods.
· Staff over the minimum pension age (50 for most but 55 for others) would only get unreduced payments of accrued pensions and lump sums if they give up some or all of any cash redundancy payment to buy out the actuarial reduction.