The branch and its membership breathed a sigh of relief that was shared around the world when the last of the Chilean miners were brought safely to the surface.
24 hour news coverage followed every twist and turn in this amazing story over the past few months. Significantly though, there has been barely a word said about the real truth of mining in Chile today.
In this year when these 33 miners have been resued, another have 39 died virtually unreported (about average for a year in a Chilean mine.) Hundreds more suffer life altering injuries or are afflicted with life threatening conditions. The health and safety record in these, indeed this very mine are appalling. Additionally, trades unionists are routinely persecuted if they campaign for safety improvements.
On the upside the Chilean president, who has made great political capital from this event, has pledged improvements to mining safety. That is nice, especially as he is one of the billionaire mine owners in Chile!