Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Vince Cable's dig at Sir Philip Green's tax status

Mythical financial genius Vince Cable (against public spending cuts before the election, in favour of Tory spending policies after...) has launched a thinly veiled attack on billionaire Sir Philip Green's tax arrangements.

In a swipe at the new Whitehall adviser on public sector waste, the Business Secretary said: 'I remain of the general view that British businesspeople should pay their taxes in Britain.'

Sir Philip Green you will remember famously has his business billions held by his wifey and kiddies in Monaco... so he doesn't have to pay any tax.

Five years ago his company paid his missus and the sprogs a dividend of £1.2 billion pounds. Thats one thosand and two hundred million pounds by the way. This was tax free. This effectively deprived the nation of around £450 million pounds.

The sad part is that this man is just the tip of the iceberg. There are thousands like him who avoid paying tax and do so by cosying up to whichever party looks like getting power. In this case a Labour supporter before 2010, a Conservative supporter since reading the writing on the wall!

Is it any wonder Cameron targets benefit cheats but lets the real scroungers get off for free!? Not only that, he gives him a responsibility in government.