As reported in todays Daily Express, Families face a £541-a-year rise in household bills under EU plans to fund its budget through “eco taxes”.
Campaigners warn that both householders and industry would be hit by soaring energy costs as a result of Brussels levying a controversial tax on carbon emissions.
Researchers have discovered that the cost of the EU’s Emissions Trading Scheme, introduced to reduce greenhouse gases, already costs every family in Britain £117.
But according to leaked EU Commission documents seen by the Daily Express, Brussels chiefs are planning to turn the ETS into a direct tax to fund the EU’s £110 billion-a-year budget.
To raise the UK’s current £16.4billion contribution to the EU budget through the ETS would mean increasing the burden on British families from £117 to £658 – an increase of £541. Public spending campaigners warned that even if the EU raised only part of its bloated budget from ETS, it would still prompt large increases in household energy bills.
Matthew Elliott, chief executive of the TaxPayers’ Alliance, said: “The EU’s Emissions Trading Scheme is a stealth tax that already imposes large costs on ordinary consumers.