Monday, 10 August 2009

You don't have to be MoD to work here...

In Private Eye No.1242, 7-20 August, In The Back,
they report that the Ministry of Defence accounts, sneaked out at the end of the parliamentary term, shows that the "MoD is still losing hundreds of millions of pounds on two shambolic schemes highlighted in the Eye."
Firstly chaos still reigns at the DSDA where "particularily high discrepencies" were largely responsible for the National Audit Office refusing to vouch for the accounting of £6bn worth of equipment - including £155m worth of Bowman radios whose whereabouts are unknown.
But perhaps of more interest to our members is that "elsewhere in the MoD empire, the unified forces payroll system designed by the p***poor IT firm EDS is still causing havoc three years after it began. Last year the system made overpayments of £204m to some personnel while underpaying others by £64m. As the NAO concludes: "Several step changes are still required before the end-to-end military pay process including JPA can be considered fit for purpose." In English, that means that the EDS system is still... rubbish."
Further comment from us would just seem churlish.