Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Recycling in the SPVA

PCS and SPVA are committed to Sustainable Development, and to recycling wherever and whenever possible.

We’d like to take this opportunity to ask that you, the members, help promote Recycling in the workplace.

Why recycle?

Not a question that should really require an answer but there are many reasons:

· Recycling saves trees – Half of the Earth’s rainforests have gone now. Trees take in the carbon dioxide we breathe out and in turn expel the oxygen we need.
· Recycling helps curb global warming – By recycling just one ton of glass energy savings of more than 300% can be made, and carbon dioxide emissions reduced by almost 3.5 tons.
· Recycling reduces water pollution – Turning trees into paper is the most water intensive industrial process today in the United States and other countries. Paper recycling mills use far less water, and consequently produce far less pollution.
· Recycling reduces the need for landfills – Most of our planet is water. We have a finite amount of land in which to “dump” unwanted items. Recycling will therefore reduce the amount of land needed, and also reduce the toxic pollution produced by landfill which escapes into the air and into the ground.
· Recycling saves energy – It is less labour intensive and polluting to recycle materials than to produce new materials, this means that energy and fuel is saved. The fossil fuels currently in use by most large companies won’t last forever.
· Recycling saves money – Selling recyclables materials offsets the cost of collecting and processing them. This makes recycling a cheaper option than new production.

What can you do in the office?

You can do your bit, no matter how small. If all staff in the SPVA recycled items the savings, both to the Department, and at home, would surely mount up in time.

1 Emails Do you need to print an email? If you need to save it for future reference then move it to a folder on your PC. A manager giving feedback to staff as a result of an email, for instance, needs only to send it to staff, give them time to read it, then feedback. They don’t need to print it out and hand a copy to each member of staff. We all know there are occasions however, when an email does need to be printed. In that case, please ensure you long edge (double side) your printing. This would halve the amount of printed paper produced immediately.

2 Re-use Finished with a piece of paper? Turn it over, use the blank paper left for any notes you need to make. Don’t just throw it because you’ve finished the current piece of work it was needed for.

3 Recycle Every office has confidential waste sacks. When you’ve finally finished using the paper, or documents are no longer necessary and must be removed, put them in these sacks. And remember the same can be done for the cardboard boxes that stationery etc is delivered in. Break them down and put them in sacks for recycling.

Do you have recycle bins? Many offices have recycling bins. If you have, put your empty cans, bottles etc in them. If not, ask your management how to get them installed.

Do you have any ideas you would like to see PCS take forward to help sustain the environment? Please forward them to your local PCS Environmental Rep.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Alison Platt
Environmental Rep
Veterans Agency (National Branch)