As reported in pay update number 16 (MoD/C/40/09) the MoD group executive committee (GEC) met last week to consider how we take forward the pay campaign and how to forward the terms of the emergency motion on pay passed at PCS MoD group conference on 18th May 2009.
The GEC discussed how we can take forward our central concerns with the imposed pay offer and in particular the impact on PCS members working overseas and the proposed reductions of the maxima at pay band E1 and E2.
The GEC has agreed the following programme of action:
All PCS members will be balloted on industrial action over the imposed pay offer (at this stage for industrial action short of a strike only). The GEC is urging every member to vote YES to take action in this ballot which will commence shortly.
Every branch will be invited to send representatives to specially convened PCS MoD regional forums. These forums will discuss other practical ideas and steps to progress our dispute.
The regional forums will also discuss wider threats faced by PCS members in MoD including government attacks on our pensions, possible cuts to the civil service compensation scheme (CSCS), new MoD proposals to slash pay and non pay related civilian allowances, cuts to welfare officers and peoples services, an increase in reported bullying and harassment of PCS members and the wider climate on public spending cuts leading to further efficiency savings measures and privatisation.
The GEC will receive reports from the regional forums at its next meeting and then publish our intended response to members on both pay and the wider issues.
PCS is progressing a major legal challenge to the imposed pay cuts for our members. All members impacted have already been asked to complete a complaint letter and sent to Susan Scholefield. We know that she has already received thousands of these letters, and we urge members who have not already completed them to do so. In the next few weeks all members impacted will be asked to complete an individual grievance form and lodge this with the department. At the same time PCS will be lodging test cases at employment tribunal for unlawful deduction of earnings. Additional legal challenges, around equal pay, are also being actively pursued.
Members are to be invited to directly participate in taking our message to those responsible for imposing pay cuts. Further details will be circulated shortly.
The MoD group will be seeking further discussions with other PCS groups and the national union to ensure that our campaign and programme of action is consistent and coherent in respect of the PCS national pay campaign.
Further details on the industrial action ballot will be circulated shortly. All members are urged to vote YES for action.
Members are also asked to consider actions short of a strike that would have an impact in their workplace. Any ideas can be sent to Paul Barnsley at:
At its meeting the GEC noted the magnificent response of members in the pay ballot where 81% of members voted to reject the divisive offer made by management. This is a stunning result.
The GEC, and our general secretary Mark Serwotka, have both commended those PCS members in MoD for displaying solidarity with the lowest paid staff in MoD, for supporting their union and for standing together to demand fair pay.
A YES vote in the forthcoming ballot will enable us to make clear our anger at pay and pension cuts for the lowest paid workers in the department. Cuts imposed by MoD Ministers and other senior staff in the department who, in contrast, enjoy lavish pay, bonus and expenses packages.
Members are also asked to:
1. Sign the petition protesting about the pay cuts on the 10 Downing Street website (
2. Protest to the new Secretary of State (please download the model letter from our website or collect a copy from your Branch)
A further pay update will be issued shortly.