In the European and local elections on Thursday 4 June, far right candidates will be attempting to win seats.The far right are not like any other political parties. Their favoured methods are not canvassing but Violence and Fear.
The far right are a danger to all our members, our workplaces and our communities. They are opposed to trade unions like ours and they are a threat to democracy.
The BNP are the far right group most likely to win seats in this election.
The BNP are trying to exploit the current economic crisis, with unemployment rising and affordable housing in short supply, by scapegoating black people, Muslims, Jews, foreigners, gays and lesbians for this country’s problems.
The BNP are racist. They have declared their belief in an all white Britain. Their political friends include the Klu Klux Klan and white supremacist and Nazi organisations across Europe. Their political traditions are rooted in fascism.
The BNP are intolerant of different religions. Muslims have been the main target of the BNP in recent years.
The BNP are sexist. They want women to stay at home and breed the ‘white race’.
The BNP admire Hitler and deny the holocaust. Hitler incarcerated and murdered thousands of people. His extermination policies began with the killing of institutionalised disabled people in the 1940s.
The far right offer us nothing but division and hatred. We want to unite people from all backgrounds to challenge discrimination and promote equality.
The voting system in the European elections means that if you do not use your vote then the BNP need a very small percentage of votes to return a candidate.
PCS wants to stop the far right.
We want fascist free zones in our workplaces and in our communities.
This is a battle at the ballot box.
When Trade Union members vote – the far right lose.
For more information visit the PCS Make Your Vote Count website