Tuesday, 28 April 2009

MoD Pay Offer – PCS’s Ballot Result Pay Update 14

As you will be aware the PCS ballot on the MoD Pay Offer closed at Noon today 28th April.
The outcome of the ballot is as follows:

Do you wish to accept MoD proposals to cut the pay band maxima at E1 and E2 and freeze the pay band maxima at B1?

Numbers voting yes 657 (12.6%)
Numbers voting no 4531 (87.4%)

In light of question 1 do you wish to accept the MoD departmental pay offer for 2008-2010?

Numbers voting yes 1054 (19%)
Numbers voting no 4508 (81%)

Therefore, our union is now in dispute with MoD on pay.

We are also seeking assurances that status quo will apply whilst we are in dispute, in particular in respect of MoD proposals to cut the pay band maxima at E1 and E2.

Yours sincerely

Paul Barnsley
Negotiations Officer