"Thousands of soldiers, sailors and airmen were shortchanged on their salaries because of a 'catastrophic' new computerised payroll system, an MPs' report has found.
The servicemen and women were left out of pocket – and thousands more were overpaid – through 'truly reprehensible' mistakes made by the Ministry of Defence in bringing in the £245million system.
Some were underpaid by as much as £345 a month while a total of £28.9million was overpaid to others – money which the ministry has struggled to recover, the report said.
Liberal Democrat defence spokesman Nick Harvey added: 'Most disgracefully, service personnel themselves have sometimes been blamed for the errors that have made their own lives a misery.'
The Joint Personnel Administration (JPA) system, introduced in 2006, was intended to replace separate payrolls for the Army, Navy and RAF. But it was found to hold incorrect details for one in ten service personnel – nearly 20,000 people. As a result, their salaries were paid wrongly and troops, including some on duty in Afghanistan, were left short in their pay packets for months. Others complained they defaulted on their mortgage payments as a result.
In a report published today, the Commons defence committee blamed 'basic and fundamental' errors. 'It is difficult to exaggerate the magnitude of the failure of the joint personnel administration,' the report added. 'It is, in our view, truly reprehensible that such mistakes were allowed to be made by those charged with oversight of the JPA programme.' The problems might have been exacerbated by the cutting of 300 human resources posts, the MPs said.
The JPA was supplied by the Texan computer giant EDS, which has been involved in problematic public sector IT schemes including the Child Support Agency system. However, the company has paid just £516,000 in compensation for the failure of the system, the report added.
The MoD apologised for the problems but insisted the system was now working better.
It added 'We have ensured that any repayments were made in a way and at a level that minimised impact upon them.'"