Monday, 2 March 2009

Goodbye Pat! Goodbye Royal Mail?

It seems that our current government is conspiring with the future one to the disadvantage of us all! (Not that this is surprising I suppose, given the Tories quick agreement with Jack Straw over the non disclosure of Cabinet minutes under FOI last week.)

If it is possible to do this with the post, what price OUR pensions and OUR jobs?

Meanwhile hundreds of billions of pounds of our money have been handed over free gratis to the bankers to pay their debts, their bonuses and their pensions. Yet apparently, £1.5 billion over the next 5 years is too much for us to invest in OUR Royal Mail?

If you wish to show solidarity with colleagues in the Communications Workers Union in their campaign "Keep The Post Public", they are holding a public rally on Friday 6th March in Albert Square, Manchester:

10.15 - Event Starts
10.30 – Speeches
11.00 - Balloon Launch
11.15–13.30 - Campaigning To Keep The Post Public