Wednesday, 9 April 2008

Public Services… Not Private Profit

Yesterday the Branch Chair and Branch Secretary attended a meeting with Janice Godrich – PCS National President – on this very topic.

If anyone wonders about our EDS stance on this blog, a stance backed by the membership decisions and feelings communicated at the AGM, then we say that we took one very clear message back from yesterdays meeting. The last three words of the campaign name – “NOT PRIVATE PROFIT” – must not be forgotten, it must be our banner and our clarion call.

It is our considered opinion that EDS are only in the SPVA Contract for one reason – private profit. We consider that EDS (corporately) do not believe in supporting serving personnel, they do not believe in supporting Veterans – we consider that they only believe in profit.

To the poster on the intranet who had the courage to speak, who had the courage to say that EDS are not a good employer and that a large number of those privatised, who do not want to be made redundant, wish to be back in the MoD, we say this…

  • We are abhorred at the suggestion that you are unprofessional – each person must be allowed to hold and express their own opinion and should not be attacked because their opinion is at variance with the employer(s).

  • We are amused that it was deemed inappropriate for that forum* and yet was posted by the moderator and answered anyway. How an organisation can offer a facility to ask questions and offer perspective and then deem a legitimate opinion and question as inappropriate befuddles the mind.

  • We support you, we wish to see you brought back into a fully nationalised Agency; we wish you to be a member of our staff rather than a member of staff with a private contractor; we wish to see you covered by legislation that, as you are not a crown employee (thus do not work for an emanation of the State), passes you by: such as the Human Rights Act and its tenant of Freedom of Expression.

  • This Branch commits to speak where others dare not and we have a phrase upon our collective lips “Public Services… Not Private Profit”.

    *Incidentally we were sent two questions, originally for Ask the Boss, which were posed by a Crown Employee – from ex-AFPAA – that were deemed inappropriate but were not posted by the moderator or answered by the boss. We post them here, raw and without comment, and you can make your own minds up about them…

  • For each year of the AFPAA/EDS Contract can you tell me what the Service Delivery Failure Charges and Waivers have been?

  • Have any Ex-MOD authority staff at AD or Director level been employed by EDS since leaving MOD employment?