Tuesday, 15 April 2008

Major Agreement on Job Security

The National Union have announced that we now have a formal agreement with the Cabinet Office which sets out in detail the steps that departments will have to take when there is a risk of redundancy. Unions will have a clear right to be informed and consulted through the process.

These steps should ensure that any member who is declared to be surplus but still wishes to work in the Civil Service or associated areas will be made an alternative job offer.* Those under threat of losing their jobs in one department will take priority in applying for vacancies in other departments.

The Agreement is not an absolute guarantee of job security. But it will provide strong protection from compulsory redundancy.

PCS remains opposed to any compulsory redundancies and the NEC has restated its intention to reconvene and decide on further industrial action should any compulsory redundancy notices be issued.

*The Branch wonders how this making of an offer sits with our department’s redeployment pool – a scheme that, we feel, was designed to dodge such bullets by forcing the responsibility onto the individual rather than taking corporate responsibility. We shall be contacting the GEC for their thoughts regarding this.