Friday, 1 February 2008

Democracy in Action

Members are aware that, at the AGM each year, we consider various motions. This is the first step in bottom up democracy. Those motions, if passed, form the policy of the Branch and are passed to the respective Conference depending on the motion – either National or Group.

The Branch delegates to conference move our motions and, if carried, become the policy of the respective level of the Union. For instance PCS, as a National Union, have a stance opposing National ID cards. This is through a motion our Branch took to National Conference and successfully moved.

Of course, the progress of the motions are then dependent on other factors. In the case of Group level motions these depends on the willingness of our employer (oops who said Draconian) to accept progressive policy and the willingness of Group officers to do any work. Over the last few years the Group has been, politically, more and more under the control of the Left. What this means in real terms is that Group Officers are actually progressing motions for the Branch.

I have received a mail on the progress of two of our Motions, the responses are not perfect by a long shot but there are glimmers of hope:

Surrogacy Leave. The Branch AGM decided that offering Surrogacy Leave was a progressive policy. The Group have worked long and hard trying to get the employer to accept this. Whilst the employer will not introduce the Leave, as such, they have stated that each case will be looked at by the diversity team on a case by case basis.

Upshot: if you are looking at surrogacy as an option do not, in the first instance go to your line manager. Go to the Union and we will ensure that the correct persons in the centre look at it.

Male Mental Health Problems: We again decided that the employer should offer gender specific guidance on mental health issues as such issues can be very different depending on gender.

The GEC did issue guidance to members but the employer has not gone that far. However they have agreed to have a Men’s Health Week in 2008 to highlight all male specific health issues, including mental health issues.

Upshot: The members who attended the AGM have made a real difference.

So, what is the message?

1. Vote left – the Branch always issues a list of preferred candidates and they are on the Left Unity faction slate. Please follow Branch advice in the upcoming Group and National elections - that way senior Union Officers will actually make a difference for you.

2. Attend the AGM, it really does make a difference. This years AGM is on Wednesday 27th February – full details will be mailed to distro reps later.