We formally met management side on Wednesday and were, initially, disappointed with the opening of the meeting as the Agency representatives felt they were unable to move due to this being a CTLB edict.
After some discussion, however, we have achieved a movement in that the Agency have recognised that we wish to discuss the principle of this, in the first instance – rather than the mechanics of removing the scheme. The agreed way forward is thus:
We believe this is a pragmatic approach but still fundamentally oppose the removal of the scheme, hence point 1. If we get nowhere with the CTLB (or higher) we still intend to run the personal cases received and chase this as far as we can. We still fundamentally believe that this is a TUPE equivalent term and condition, plus have uncovered evidence that the chosen approach may not be equally applied through the MoD – investigations continue with this.
After some discussion, however, we have achieved a movement in that the Agency have recognised that we wish to discuss the principle of this, in the first instance – rather than the mechanics of removing the scheme. The agreed way forward is thus:
- 1. We are going to write with our concerns to the decision maker within the CTLB who has removed the Agency authority and open discussions around the principle. We see this opening of discussions as a significant step forward.
2. In the meantime we will put forward ideas to make any future removal of the scheme as fair as humanly possible. This will be without prejudice and there should be no movement until discussions at point 1 have ended. MS have recognised that this is without prejudice and have agreed to act accordingly
We believe this is a pragmatic approach but still fundamentally oppose the removal of the scheme, hence point 1. If we get nowhere with the CTLB (or higher) we still intend to run the personal cases received and chase this as far as we can. We still fundamentally believe that this is a TUPE equivalent term and condition, plus have uncovered evidence that the chosen approach may not be equally applied through the MoD – investigations continue with this.