Monday, 14 July 2014

Diredt Debit - Make the Switch

Important Information – Please take a few minutes to read this.

PCS is asking all members to sign up to pay their union subscriptions by Direct Debit. Currently almost all of you have your union subs deducted from your salary.
This is called ‘check off’
OK but why do it now?
Because the government is threatening to end check off and we have to be ready and not caught on the hop. Because 97% of our 260,000 members pay their union subs by check off it is how the union gets its money to represent and campaign for you. If check off is stopped we must have a quick ready way of collecting your subs. PCS must be financially independent and free to represent you. 

PCS will keep your details safe and secure
PCS already holds a lot of personal details about you as part of your membership records. We keep all personal data completely secure and confidential. PCS has signed up to the legally binding Direct Debit Guarantee scheme to give you data protection financial security. It is no different from any other Direct Debit you have for insurance, gas or electric. 

What will happen once I have sign up to DD
PCS HQ will upload your direct debit details onto the PCS computer system alongside all of the other details we already hold for you. But your direct debit won’t be activated until the removal of ‘check off’ is notified to us by the DWP or PCS nationally decides. You will not have two deductions in one month; PCS will ensure all payments are correct. You will be told when DD will begin.

Is it easy to do?
YES you can do it quickly by going to the PCS website and do it on line - there is a contact number if you get stuck but it is very easy to do (and quick).

Why should I stay in PCS
Because being in the union means you are protected. If you have to have an interview about your sick record PCS will help you. If you are not happy about your appraisal report PCS will help you. The union offers legal advice and an excellent personal injury compensation scheme in case you or a member of your family has an accident at work or at home. But these benefits are only for union members.

Because being in the union means you have a strong voice at work. Strike action won improvements in DWP contact centres. Just a YES vote for strike action forced the DWP to drop the threat of compulsory redundancies. PCS won over £1 million pounds for fixed term staff made redundant by the DWP. Every time we campaign and take action we win improvements. Because PCS is now campaigning for fair pay for us all.