Due to numerous emails to the office regarding the new lighting system recently installed at Norcross, the branch advises that anyone who has noticed a change to their work area or environment should complete a DSE risk assessment.
If the lighting has resulted in any medical issues/problems an AR1 (Accident Report Form) should be completed.
We will inform members of any updates on this issue.
Please see the below message received from PCS:
Dear all
Please see the link to the Commix personal email and mobile phone collection page of the website. Email collection is linked to a number of very important campaign and communication initiatives - which will make our campaigns and communications more effective and cut out a lot of duplication, time and cost.
We no longer require membership number - just name and date of birth.
We are developing a major project to collect 60,000 email and personal mobile phone numbers over the next nine months. This will involve actions from all departments in PCS. However, in the short term can you distribute this link to all of your email lists so that members can sign up for email.