Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Leaving on VERS 2? – The strike on May 10 applies to you

12,475 disenchanted MoD employees have applied for VERS 2.

Our union remains opposed to any redundancies in the Ministry of Defence and recognises that with workloads going through the roof and morale at rock bottom across every area in the Ministry of Defence, members have had enough and are leaving the department through every exit.

We would urge any PCS member who is leaving on VERS 2 to still take action on May 10, as the fight for fair pensions directly affects them now and in the future.

Losing a day’s reckonable service by taking strike action on May 10 will have an effect on members’ final payout when they do leave the department, but the difference in the payout will immediately be dwarfed by the loss of pension when you eventually reach your pension age.

Even those who leave in the next VERS 2 tranche and finish on 29 June will have paid three months extra pension contributions, which will be less than a day’s lost pay by taking industrial action on May 10.

The PCS pension calculator - - breaks down exactly how much you stand to lose, whether you are taking VERS or are remaining in the department. More than 300,000 people have already viewed our union’s calculator.

The following example shows just how detrimental these changes will be:

Mrs X, 46, works in the MoD at Abbeywood. She currently earns £23,427 per year and has worked in the civil service for 26 years.
As a result of the government's plans, Mrs X will:
  • Pay £702.81 more per year and £58.57 more per month
  • Lose £19,891.66 from her current pension
  • Stand to lose a huge £40,922.16 from her pension if she works until she is 66

Choose who you believe

The PCS calculator has been on our website since our campaign began and has been updated regularly as more information has become available as well as to reflect the impact of the continuing pay freeze on members.

Members will remember in November 2011 that the pensions calculator placed on the civil service website by the Cabinet Office was hurriedly removed as the calculator confirmed what we already knew - the civil servant in the example would have to work an extra four years under the new deal to get close to their previous pension. Their extra pension contributions were at least £704 a year from April 2015 onwards and the switch in indexation from RPI to CPI would cost them around £21,500 over a normal retirement.

That calculator then mysteriously disappeared from the Civil Service website. The Cabinet Office told our union that it has been taken down for “presentational reasons” and will be back up shortly.

Although you now have to jump through various hoops to get there, the Civil Service pension calculator is now online and using the same example as above – Mrs X from Abbeywood will “From April 2015 you might contribute 5.45% of pay - so around £85.12 per month after tax relief”

The civil service website calculator gives no details on
  • How much extra this is from your current payment
  • How much extra you are paying from April 2012, April 2013 or April 2014
  • How much you will lose from your current pension
  • How much you will lose if you retire at the current pension age of 65 instead of having to work till you are 68
  • The continuing impact of the pay freeze on your take home pay.
The alternative

There is an alternative, as demonstrated by our union. The government should:

  1. Create jobs to boost the economy
  2. Invest in housing and transport
  3. Collect the £120 billion in tax evaded, avoided and uncollected every year.

The Ministry of Defence should:

  • Civilianise the 40,000 non-deployable military personnel.
  • Remove consultants, contractors or agency staff
  • Examine exorbitant PFI contracts to see whether they deliver value for money and cancel those which are ripping off the taxpayer
  • Reduce external spending in our department – in September 2011, the MoD spent £770 million compared with £331 million in September 2011


Morale is at rock bottom across our department and many across the public sector. It is little wonder that public sector workers want to safeguard their pay, terms and conditions from Government attacks.

Our union believes the best way to get these is to put further pressure on this increasingly unpopular and isolated coalition government. Our union understands and recognises that taking strike action when you are poised to leave on VERS is a very difficult thing to do, but your future pension provision is at stake here.

Please stand with us on May 10 and please continue to support our union and the trade union movement in the remainder of your working life. You can become a member of our retired members section here:

Paul Bemrose
PCS DSg deputy group secretary

For the latest PCS defence, please go to the following -