Despite facing the biggest public sector cuts in history, because as the boy George Osborne says, "We have maxed out our credit card". And despite allegedly having to pay down a massive defecit... we will shortly be loaning £4.4 billion to Portugal. This on top of billions already loaned to Greece and tens of billions propping up the Irish banking sector.
It is also very off that we can afford to be spending upwards of £6 million a day flying missions into Libya, and dropping missiles that cost anything up to £800k each. (The SDSR’s “unprecedented” cuts were based on an “assumption of conflict avoidance” that would keep Britain out of fresh military operations for a decade. By committing British forces to action in Libya, the Government has itself gone against its own thinking on defence.)
Is there anyone in this cack-dem government that can make a decision that they don't almost immediately contradict? NHS? Forests? Also, can any of them actually do finance? We don't think so.