This will mean that approximately 90% of TU members in the Ministry of Defence will be working and campaigning alongside each other as we face 25,000 job cuts in the next four years. Both unions will retain their own sovereign electoral powers and there will be areas when we have different bargaining agendas – our differing attitudes to the ongoing civil service compensation scheme dispute being a prime example.
However, both the PCS MoD group executive committee and the Prospect group council recognise that 25,000 job cuts will devastate our department, put the front line further at risk and will kill off communities across the country where the MoD is the main employer.
Therefore, whilst we may have had differences in the past, we are united that we must fight the employer together against these challenges. Both our union and Prospect are now committed to resolving any future potential differences and working and campaigning together. This will take many different forms.
Indicative ballot
We have agreed with the Prospect group council to conduct an indicative ballot of members to gauge your support for potential industrial action, aimed at forcing the coalition government and the MoD to reverse the political choice to cut 25,000 civilian posts and to implement the managing surpluses agreement with the trade unions to mitigate against job losses.
If the department and the government refuse to talk to PCS and Prospect then our joint intention is to proceed to a full statutory ballot for industrial action.
We have not yet finalised a timetable for this process and we need to ensure any possible industrial action is also dine in conjunction with the PCS national campaign.
All members’ meetings
During February and early March, all branches should be holding their annual general meetings. These will provide an opportunity to brief members on the proposed SDSR cuts, the civil service compensation scheme and the latest on the PCS national campaign. Prospect will be holding similar meetings with their members and in the future we will be looking to hold joint meetings with speakers from both unions.
Parliamentary campaigning
Both PCS and Prospect will be using their parliamentary groups to raise the issue of defence cuts and the impact of the loss of civilian jobs on the front line. We will also be working with the Defence Committee and Public Accounts Committee to look into the role of civilians in defence and the outcome of the strategic defence review. We will also be looking at a lobby of Parliament.
Joint campaign bulletins
We will be seeking to establish a joint campaign bulletin for members of both unions, to highlight activities and issues we are progressing.
TUC Rally, Central London, 26 March 2011
Nationally, both PCS and Prospect are fully supporting the national TUC rally and demonstration in London on 26 March 2011. In the Ministry of Defence, we are working together with our Prospect MoD colleagues to ensure reps, members, friends and families come to London to show their opposition to the proposed cuts.
Across the MoD many sites and communities are under threat. PCS and Prospect work alongside each other on a day-to-day basis on these sites. It is imperative reps and members from both unions work together at site level to organise as many attendees as possible for 26 March.
Work with other unions and campaign groups
Whilst we have now established formal joint working with Prospect, our union will also be seeking to build constructive relationships with the other MOD trade unions and other campaign groups with shared interests.
Both our union and Prospect are in agreement that the 25,000 target is a political choice and nothing to do with making the Ministry of Defence a better and more efficient department in coming years. Both unions are now committed to jointly campaign against this ideological political game and to save members jobs in our department.
This campaign will be the most important in our history and will determine whether we have a fit for purpose Ministry of Defence in the future, able to support the front line. It is a campaign we must win. Together we can make a difference.
From MoD PCS group president Chris Dando, vice-president Rob Bowers and Bob Rollings, MoD group secretary.