How can this be, you ask? The government, the Tories, even the Liberals say we must all take either/or a pay freeze (actually a pay cut), compensations scheme cuts, pension cuts, job cuts, service cuts... and why? To maintain and reduce the public debt, they say. But wait, aren't we in such bad debt because we had to borrow loads of money to support failing banks? And isn't this money supposed to be paid back to us by those very financial institutions that caused the mess in the first place?
Then how is it that those very financial institutions that caused the crisis are already making massive profits and preparing to pay out the biggest bonus pot in history?
The truth is that the banks are using our money, paid for with our future pay, pensions, jobs and services to make their profits and to reward their staff. Neither the government nor the opposition parties propose anything substantial to halt or control this obscene fraud that is being conducted before our eyes.
Those politicians that understand what is happening do nothing because they have their snouts and trotters firmly buried in the same trough... and those that don't understand it go along with the game as a bunch of useful idiots, blinded by the baubles offered to them in the forms of floating duck houses, pornographic movies and mortgage payments on second, third and even fourth properties.
Perhaps once the veil of avarice has been removed from their eyes, the bulk of our representatives will begin to see the wider world and try to grasp just what is being done to the vast majority of us by a small and very wealthy and powerful minority.
This isn't about class, as it was back in days of Wilson and Heath. No, what is happening today is that an increasingly powerful oligarchy is dictating the economy of the world through fraud, deception and political patronage.