To mark the occasion and in celebration of this fact their staff were given cake... the irony is not lost on us.
However, we understand that in the EDS Account Managers memo, staff were informed that the services they deliver under the new contract whilst initially will be similar to those they deliver today, the way in which they deliver them will change significantly. Apparently there will be a significant transition and transformation for both EDS and MOD staff in SPVA over the next few months... which, frankly, comes as news to this branch because have had no indication from SPVA management of, or negotiation or consultation on, any forthcoming significant changes to the way we work. We wonder if this transition will happen before the parliamentary inquiry that this branch called for into the influence that private companies have on the management of public bodies, and which has been accepted by the PCS Annual Delegate Conference in the past week? Watch this space for full details of the motion debate and Andy Boylan's speech to conference.