Sickness rates for SPVA are now substantially higher than they were 12 months ago within VA. When we last received figures (prior to the People Program) the average days sick per member of staff in ex-VA was less than 10. Now under SPVA the average is running at about 17. What we don’t know, as we no longer received the details, is whether the increase is down high rates on the ‘AFPAA’ side of the organisation, the ex-VA side or a mixture of both.
What is definitely a concern is that the morale of the workforce in ex-VA side is extremely low, uncertainty is high and insecurity is high. In certain areas there is a distinct feeling of alienation of ex-VA from the rest of SPVA and you only need to look at the constitution of the management board where there are around 10 members, none of whom are from old ex-VA. At a higher level ex-VA seems to be carrying the can financially for failures elsewhere in SPVA. Closer to home staff at Norcross have received some heavy weight criticism concerning high profile awards made under AFCS. To our knowledge these award were correctly made and any shortfalls in them related entirely to award limits set by ministers.
If you put all these things together you get an unhappy workforce that is more prone to sickness. Its not rocket science is it?
NB Whilst we have concentrated on ex-VA, as this is the remit of our Branch. However, we are aware of the same morale issues in ex-AFPAA due to a fundamental need amongst Management to try and close a perfectly viable site.
(Title courtesy of Spike Milligan)
What is definitely a concern is that the morale of the workforce in ex-VA side is extremely low, uncertainty is high and insecurity is high. In certain areas there is a distinct feeling of alienation of ex-VA from the rest of SPVA and you only need to look at the constitution of the management board where there are around 10 members, none of whom are from old ex-VA. At a higher level ex-VA seems to be carrying the can financially for failures elsewhere in SPVA. Closer to home staff at Norcross have received some heavy weight criticism concerning high profile awards made under AFCS. To our knowledge these award were correctly made and any shortfalls in them related entirely to award limits set by ministers.
If you put all these things together you get an unhappy workforce that is more prone to sickness. Its not rocket science is it?
NB Whilst we have concentrated on ex-VA, as this is the remit of our Branch. However, we are aware of the same morale issues in ex-AFPAA due to a fundamental need amongst Management to try and close a perfectly viable site.
(Title courtesy of Spike Milligan)