Thursday, 2 October 2014

Dear Colleagues (and potential colleagues),

The purpose of this post is to inform members of the PCS strike action across the Civil Service on the 15th of October 2014. 

The action will be coordinated with unions representing workers in the health service which have announced action on Monday, 13th October, and with unions in local government which have announced a strike on 14th October so that there will be 3 consecutive days of strike action over pay in the public sector.

PCS has done everything possible to try and resolve the disputes over the extreme pay restraint yet again imposed by the employer. Unfortunately to date there has not been an acceptable outcome from the Government.

In the four years between 2010 and 2013, the cost of living rose faster than Civil Service pay each year. Figures released by the Civil Service show that average (median) pay increased by only 6 per cent during these four years. The cost of living, prices, housing and other costs rose by 16 per cent, meaning that the average Civil Servant is around £2,300 worse-off than in 2010. This doesn’t even take into account the Public Sector Workers’ tax.

PCS has submitted a pay claim for 2014 demanding:

  • An end to the government imposed pay freeze/cap
  • A Minimum 5% or £1,200 consolidated pay increase
  • Short pay scales and pay progression as a right for all staff
  • No discriminatory performance pay
  • Closing the  pay gaps within and across departments
  • The Living Wage to underpin all pay policies and contracts
We are not on our own taking action against the Government’s attacks on our Pay and living standards. On 10th July 2014 PCS members took co-ordinated strike action with union members in local government, education and the fire service over pay and our national campaign issues. The campaign continues with now local government workers and health service workers also taking strike action in October 2014.

Potential Members
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